Monday, November 16, 2009

Justin Bieber Video

Hi everyone... Here is a video of Justin singing With You by Chris Brown... DON'T FORGET! You can comment on this video so if you like this video please leave a comment!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Justin Bieber Concert...

Ok, So I know that I have been keeping you all posted on the Justin Bieber concert and the tickets and Kiss Fm and all the stuff... But I now I have new news for you! YAY!
So I went to the JB concert last night and doors were not supposed to open until 5:00 so we got there at 4:00 and we were already down like a long block and then we waited in line unitl 5:45... My hands were so num that I couldn't even open my phone or even text. :0. It was so cold that I couldn't even feel like my face and hands...
Once we got in we thought that there would be no way to get to the front so we found these bleachers above so we went ot see if we could get in and then when we went up we found out that we could so we got front row on a balcony above everybody... it was really cool...
During it we saw all these people with cameras so we decided to get ours out and we started like recording and taking pictures... it was amazing...
At then end we found out that one of our friends started to hyperventalating... it was scary but everything ended up ok. Then... well... that is all I can say... there is too much to explain...

Keep you posted... haha... byee! :)
P.s. just to let you know that picture above was at our concert at the Rave! it was awesome! :)
Peace <3>


INFORMATION: Justin Bieber at the Rave on November 12th, 2009. --> Tomorrow!
-->Starting Act: Iyaz and Kaci Bataglia.
Now here is my story.........
UGGGG!!!!!! I am so mad that I didn't get tickets to his concert at the Rave. The lady that we called the day before said that they were not going to sell out but I knew that they would. They sold out in like 5 min. Even though it felt like 1. Haha... ugggg... I am so mad.... If someone really crazy like me wants tickets, you could get them on ebay for 292$ but like, yeah right would my parents really let me get those... Oh well I'm going to try to win them on Kiss Fm or something... If I would win those tickets the radio man would probably go deaf because I would scream so loud of HAPPINESS... YEAH! Oh wait.... Guess what... plans changed... I was sitting awake at 1:30 on Wednesday morning because I couldn't fall back asleep so I decided that I was going to lay awake until 2:00 because I knew that they were going to give Bieber tickets away every hour on the hour... So... I called in and you had to be called number 25 so I called and they said "Hey called number 15" then I hung up and called back... so then they said "Hey caller number 21" so then some random lady named Melissa won... uggg... I got mad... Then I was still awake at like 3:00 so I decided to call again... So... again it had to be caller number 25... So I called and they picked up and said..."Hey caller number 16" So I called back and then the guy picked up and he's like "Heyyy, do you like Justin Bieber... Im like yaaaa.... then hes like are you going to scream and yell and say "I love you" or just go crazy when you see him??? I'm like" yaaaa" then he's like good... because you just won Justin Bieber tickets for November 12 at the Rave and I screamed even though it was 3:00 in the morning... Then they needed all this information so I ran downstairs and Im like "MOM WAKE UP AND TALK TO THE MAN ON KISS FM I JUST WON JUSTIN BEIBER TICKETS!" And so she talked to him, then I was on the radio haha... Then I started shaking when I hung up and won.... What a great story... haahhahahahaha......~:)
We are getting down there at 4:00.. haha.. we need to get to the front! haha! :)